Sky Power Project Development

Customers are at various stages of product development, enabling interaction with Sky Power to align with customer expectations. Some customers already know exactly what kind of propulsion performance is required. Either way, both sides must work together to specify the next steps of the project, whether a single engine or complex propulsion development.

Sky Power is flexible, agile and proactive to each customer project conditions, allowing for complete understanding and customer co-operation.

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If the objectives and expectations of our customers is not yet clearly defined, Sky Power’s consultation service is the next logical step. This may include program development as well as system integration services. The aim of the project consulting is to support the customer with technical knowledge, experience, and Sky Power’s professional opinion, to determine the project and the level of support to the customer.


Customers who are already in an ongoing project or development phase are often searching for a project partner, who not only supports them with the hardware, but also through applying knowledge, experience, and expertise.
As a result, Sky Power offers 1- or 2-day customer workshops which allows for customer projects, objectives, and ideas to be examined at a granular level to define the requirements and expectations. The goal for the workshop is to prepare for a close project cooperation with the intentions of the customer clearly defined.


Sky Power undertakes the complete project management lifecycle, from initial conceptual TRL stage through to serial production. Technical parameters, schedules and budgets must be clearly defined in advance to allow for Sky Power’s agile management of the complete UAS/project development. The earlier the cooperation starts means the more comprehensive service received from Sky Power.

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